5 - 24 months
5 - 24 months
Currently dreaming of sleeping again?
If you have been waiting for a sign from the universe to tell you that it is time to get some rest – this is it!
Are you...
– Currently experiencing lack of sleep with a 5-24 month old at home?
– Tired of not getting more than a 3 hour stretch of sleep?
– Getting inconsistent nights from your baby?
– Taking hours helping your baby fall asleep only to have them wake up as soon as you place them in the crib?
– Constantly having to hold your baby for naps and nights?
– Not enjoying the cuddles anymore?
– Lost on what to do regarding night feeds?
– Tired of having no free time for you or your partners
– Considering sleep coaching but crying it out doesn’t seem right to you?
If you answered yes to some, or all of these questions – I promise I can help! I’ve helped multiple families get the sleep they need, with an approach that is right for them! Lets face it, between the multiple sleep training methods, advice you get from family and friends, countless books, and infinite articles on the topic – sleep can get messy!
Regardless of how much we try to improve those ZZZzz…baby sleep can feel like a roller coaster, and what worked for your best friend’s baby, won’t necessarily work for yours (and that is not a bad thing!). You have probably tried to do things on your own, but it just doesn’t seem to “stick” – and you are wondering if you will ever get a long stretch of sleep again!
The answer is YES, YES, YES! I firmly believe that all babies want and can sleep – they just need the right guidance to get there! The key to a good night’s sleep is making sure that all of the pieces are in place, and I’m here to help you get all those pieces in order and achieve 11-12 hour nights for your baby, and the rest of your family. My expertise, guidance, and client-led approach will set you up for sleep success, in a way that fits with your parenting style.
Are you ready to...
- Help your baby learn the important skill of independent sleep?
- Have predictability on what your baby’s naps and nights look like?
- Be able to place your baby on their crib awake and have them fall asleep peacefully?
- Have the peace of mind that you can have some quality time with your partner while your baby sleeps?
- Get your nights back?
- Have a well rested family?
All of this can be a reality, just pick from one of the plans below!
Choose your plan
- Comprehensive Sleep Assessment
- Personalized Sleep Plan (written plan with video review)
- 30 - minute Consultation To Discuss The Content Of The Plan
- 2-weeks Text & email support
- Sleep Tracking Log
- 1 - 30 min check in call
- 1 Follow Up email
- Comprehensive Sleep Assessment
- Personalized Sleep Plan
- 30-minute Consultation To Discuss The Content Of The Plan.
- Whatsapp support fo 2 weeks
- Sleep Tracking Log
- A 30-minute Wrap-up Call To Celebrate Your Success And To Help Answer Any Last Questions.
$425 USD
$200 USD
- Comprehensive Sleep Assessment
- Personalized Sleep Plan (written plan with video review)
- 30 -minute Consultation To Discuss The Content Of The Plan
- 3 weeks text & email support
- Sleep Tracking Log
- 2 - 30 min check in calls
- 3 follow up emails
- Comprehensive Sleep Assessment
- Personalized Sleep Plan
- 60 minute Consultation To Discuss The Content Of The Plan.
- Whatsapp support for 3 weeks
- Sleep Tracking Log
- A 30-minute Wrap-up Call To Celebrate Your Success And To Help Answer Any Last Questions
$550 USD
$320 USD
The Basic Details
Navigating baby sleep can sometimes feel like being on a roller coaster – when everything is going smoothly, you suddenly hit a FALL! Imagine if in just 45 minutes, you could have the answers you needed to get your little sleeper back on track? It is possible!
If you have previously coached your baby to fall asleep independently and are in need of some quick, actionable advice to troubleshoot some sleep issues, then all you need is a BASIC package. An advice-packed call to get your family’s sleep back on track. In just 45 minutes, I’ll use my extensive sleep expertise to help you solve your sleep problems, immediately.
Nap transitions, early wakings, regressions, travel and illness – I have the answers!I will also take notes to send to you once our call is over! Now the fun part – you will not be on your own right away! You will also get 3 follow up emails to use at your convenience to ask any questions you might have about your baby’s sleep.
At the end of the call, you will walk away with a list of actionable items that will help you solve your current sleep struggles, all while creating a positive association with bedtime for your little one.
You get a 45 min video call, an email with all the notes from our discussion, access to the recording, and 2 follow up emails to answer any questions you might have along the way
Terms & Conditions: Follow up emails must be used within 3 months of initial consultation. Please allow 48 hours for emails to be answered.
The Standard Details
I know that getting your baby sleeping through the night is something you really want, but it can be an overwhelming process with the amount of information out there – and your lack of time & energy (oh and the crying everytime you lay them down). Everyone dreams of having a good sleeper, but hardly anyone knows how to get there!!
What if you had someone with you, every step of the way, helping you troubleshoot small issues, and holding your hand while you work on your baby’s sleep with an approach that feels right to you? If you want to know exactly what to do to get full nights and keep them, all while having a sleep expert by your side – the Standard plan is right for you.
Here is what the process looks like:
After booking, I will reach out with an intake form to get to know you, your baby, and the rest of your family a bit better. -
I will then send over your Sleep Plan, with EVERYTHING you need to know about your baby’s sleep and how to get those magical, full nights of sleep. In this step of the plan is where I will provide you with different alternatives so that you can pick a method and approach that you feel confident with - you will receive a written plan with a video explanation. -
We will meet over zoom to discuss the content of the plan, choose and action plan, set up your nursery and schedule, and answer any questions you might have about the plan. -
Yes- daily! I will check in with you everyday to support you through the implementation of the plan and make any adjustments to the process. I will be your own personal sleep cheerleader! -
To use at your convenience during your time of support. -
I will check in on all of the nap & night events to make sure that we find patterns that benefit your little one’s sleep and make adjustments as necessary. -
You can email me with any questions you might have about your child's sleep after working together.
If you are thinking that your baby is not going to be able to do this (they have never slept on their crib, you have never seen them fall asleep on their own, or they might have more than 5 night wakings), I can assure you that your child is capable of ANYTHING! With the standard sleep program I will give you all the tools and support you need to be your child’s team and cheerleaders, and guide you through the process of establishing a solid sleep foundation that will allow them to sleep through the night and have a positive association with bedtime and sleep.
With the Standard Sleep Plan, you get a personalized sleep plan, a 30 min video consultation, daily check ins and support for two weeks, 1 – 30 minute check in call, and a follow up email to use at your convenience.
Terms & Conditions:
Text and Email support will be available from Monday through Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm EST.
Follow up emails must be used within 3 months of initial consultation. Please allow 48 hours for emails to be answered.
The Premium Details
This plan is the best of the best – the plan dreams are made of! Taking care of your baby (and yourself!) feels like a lot of guesswork, its been months without a good night’s sleep and you are exhausted from trying to figure out the whole sleep situation. You have scrolled endlessly through different sleep consultant’s profiles (and I’m so happy you made it here!) and you just want to press a button and magically have your baby sleeping through the night.
Well, the BOOK NOW button below is as close as it gets! If you book the PREMIUM plan, you will have a step by step, comprehensive sleep plan and all of the weekly support you need to get you to where you want to be: sleeping through the night.
I will be right by your side, helping you get the rest you need in a way that feels right to you!
Here is what the Premium plan process looks like:
After booking, I will reach out with an intake form to get to know you, your baby, and the rest of your family a bit better. -
I will then send over your Sleep Plan, with EVERYTHING you need to know about your baby’s sleep and how to get those magical, full nights of sleep. In this step of the plan is where I will provide you with different alternatives so that you can pick a method and approach that you feel confident with - you will receive a written plan with a video explanation. -
We will meet over zoom to discuss the content of the plan, choose and action plan, set up your nursery and schedule, and answer any questions you might have about the plan. -
Yes- daily! I will check in with you everyday to support you through the implementation of the plan and make any adjustments to the process. I will be your own personal sleep cheerleader! -
To use at your convenience during your time of support. -
I will check in on all of the nap & night events to make sure that we find patterns that benefit your little one’s sleep and make adjustments as necessary. -
You can email me with any questions you might have about your child's sleep after working together.
The perfect moment to work on your child’s sleep habits is NOW! With my training and expertise, I will recognize specific issues and help you put all of the sleep pieces into the right place. I will also be right there by your side to encourage and support you while you teach your child the highly important skill of independent sleep so that they can thrive with all of the restorative benefits of a good night’s sleep.
With the Standard Sleep Plan, you get a personalized sleep plan, a 30 min video consultation, daily check ins and support for three weeks, 2 – 30 minute check in call, and a 3 follow up emails to use at your convenience.
Terms & Conditions:
Text and Email support will be available from Monday through Friday 9:00 am – 8:00 pm EST.
Follow up emails must be used within 3 months of initial consultation. Please allow 48 hours for emails to be answered.
Sleep - with an approach that feels right for you!
As a mom, I know how important it is to follow your instinct, and at the end of the day, no one knows your child better than you! I support my clients with a client led approach, which means that we will do sleep your way! I don’t believe there is not a single way to reach an specific goal, especially in parenting! You will get better sleep for your family in a way that feels right for you!
I will give you all of my knowledge and newborn sleep insights, and I promise to help you get better rest with a method that fits your parenting style, family dynamics, and your child’s unique temperament!
Client love!
What well rested
parents say...
Have questions?
Let's talk!
Book your discovery call! During this 15 minute call, we will discuss your current sleep struggles, visualize your sleep goals, and talk about how I can help you get there!